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Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.
Interested in open board positions? Contact us!
Executive Board
President - Jen Collier, PTA.independence@gmail.com
VP of Membership - Aimee Crews
VP of Fundraising - Meagan Mahoney
Secretary - Brooke Keller
Treasurer - Monica Howerton
Parliamentarian - Krysten Buffington
Historian - Virgina Tucker
All Pro Dads - Jonathan Bryce
Communications - Alexus Lynch
Volunteer Coordinator - Angelina Raught
Room Parent Coordinator - Erin Carter
Spirit Wear - Amber Bajamundi
Yearbook - Kristen Pickering
Hospitality - Julie Peterson
Seasonal Specail Events - Kristen Eaton
Beg & End of Year Events - Jody Andrews
Community Partnerships - Rachel Graham
Student Programs - Rachel Powell
Spirit Nights - Caty Roberts
Reflections - Julie Hagan
School Supplies - Amanda Price
Running Club - Tiffani Terry
WATCHdog Dads - Jason Graham
Healthy Lifestyles - Ryan Forde